If you believe you have seen or heard a Mountain Chorus Frog, please follow the steps below to submit your observation.


A few other frogs in our area resemble and sound like Mountain Chorus Frogs.  Feel free to compare your observation to the Spring Peeper and the Upland Chorus Frog.


If you hear Mountain Chorus Frogs:

  1. If you have a smart phone, use the voice memo app to record calling frogs.  If you do not have access to a smart phone, you can use a traditional or digital recorder.

  2. Download a voice memo or voice recorder app.  Below are two options available for iPhone and Android devices. 

                        Voice Memos is a built-in app in iPhone/macOS Mojave (Direction for voice memo app)

                       Easy Voice Recorder is available on Google Play for Android users (Directions for Easy Voice Recorder)

  3. Please note your location and date of observation.  You can provide street numbers and road intersections or GPS coordinates.

  4. Identify the habitat type (pond, roadside ditch, flooded field, etc.) where you heard the Mountain Chorus Frog



If you see a Mountain Chorus Frog:


  1. Take a photograph with a smartphone or camera.

  2. Photograph the frog’s back and/or the area above the lip (multiple photographs are preferred).

  3. Please note your location and date of observation.  You can provide street numbers and road intersections or GPS coordinates.

  4. Provide the type of habitat (pond, roadside ditch, flooded field, etc.) where you observed the Mountain Chorus Frog



Please email photographs and/or recordings to:


Wally Smith or Kevin Hamed










Mountain Chorus Frog research is a collaborative project of The University of Virginia’s College at Wise,
Virginia Highlands Community College and the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
Each is an EEO/AA organization.